
ZO® Skin Health Philosophy

ZO® Principles of Skin Health Restoration are the core principles that serve as the driving force behind all product and protocol development. These principles go beyond the traditional approach of just treating diseased skin.

They provide a more holistic approach to skincare. Skin should be fortified to renew, protect and strengthen itself to maintain healthy skin for life.

The principles are ideal for all individuals, regardless of age, skin type or gender and specifically focus on restoring skin’s strength and optimising cellular functions to provide the best treatment outcomes and ability to achieve overall skin health restoration.

A consultation is required where a personalised protocol prescription will be given, highlighting which products should be used and when for the best individual outcomes.

Stimulating Facials can be used to enhance results.

Stimulator Peel - ZO® Professional Protocols

Stimulator Peel Treatment is a must for skin that feels rough or looks dull, as it uses a new, unique combination of exfoliating ingredients to renew and revive skin. With no downtime, this is the ultimate results-oriented treatment that many clients have been looking for.

Cost: £75